Running Trail Tails

musings of an adventurous soul stuck in a rationalist's mind

Evergreen Town Race 10k

A couple months ago I registered both me and Don for the Evergreen Town Race 10k. We weren’t sure exactly what day we were going to get to Colorado but our goal was early August so why not? Personally I thought it would be a great way to see our new town from a slightly […]

Home Sweet Home

Damn, it’s been a crazy past week or so. The last couple of stops on our cross-country journey found us with no wifi and extremely limited cell service so I wasn’t able to write much. And then, after just one day in Santa Fe, we had a scare with one of the dogs which, coupled […]

Palo Dura Canyon

We’re just outside of Amarillo Texas tonight at a place called Palo Dura Canyon. It’s the second largest canyon in the country and we are in awe of the natural beauty. It’s 104 degrees out still (at 8pm) and we drove 500 miles today but we couldn’t resist pulling over and hiking up to a […]

Lake Fort Smith

Holy hell it’s hot! Not that we expected frigid weather traveling across the mid-west in July but go figure we pick the summer of record temps. Today’s high was 107 with a feels like heat index of 110! Makes getting outside to enjoy the gorgeous places we’re finding a little sticky and gross. Today was […]

Lake Life

A couple hours out of Memphis and deep into Arkansas, Don announced that he really wanted our next destination to be on a lake. We both love the lake life and a few days of water play sounded heavenly. We knew that leaving Florida wasn’t going to mysteriously grant us better weather but damn it’s […]

Walking In Memphis

After we rolled out of Nashville Sunday morning, the thought was to head to the Memphis area. We don’t have campsites reserved anywhere. Reservations mean plans and a set timeline which is exactly what we want to avoid but we are trying to find interesting places along the way without exceeding more than a few […]

How Do You Take Your Steak

Grilling. It’s pretty much a camping requirement Not only does food seem to taste better when grilled, it’s healthier and it makes for a hell of an easier clean up which, when you’re living in a camper, can save valuable resources. Some people swear by charcoal while others opt for the ease of gas. Die […]

What’s Behind The Yellow Sign

I grew up camping. Single mom. Three kids. We didn’t have a lot of discretionary vacation cash yet my mom still managed to show us just about every state in the continental U.S. and the campgrounds in them. We traveled by station wagon; a beat up brown Volare that sometimes got us where we were […]

Pit Falls

Call us nuts, but we’re traveling in a 27-foot camper for three weeks with three large dogs who we, lovingly, call the Brat Pack. They have their quirks (what dog trainer’s dogs don’t) but we adore them. Hendrix is an 8 year old White Swiss Shepherd mix. He’s an ornery old dude at times, he’s […]

Georgia On My Mind

One of the best parts of this cross county adventure is that we have no real plan. With a Colorado ETA of August 2nd … or 3rd … maybe 4th, we have more than three weeks to spend where ever and how ever we want. We have a rough route planned but no timeline around […]