Remember me?

I won’t guarantee this will be the start to something I’ve always promised. Chances are I’ll write a few times and before I know it, it’ll be months if not years later — again. It makes me a little sad that the words just seem to fade into time gone by, but maybe someday they’ll […]

Dead Horse Training: Week 2

Two weeks of training done! Like actually done done. Miles hit. No cheating. Well sort of. I swapped Thursday and Friday and a couple miles here and there, but at the end of the week, I had run my planned total of 40. Probably the highest week milage I’ve done since Antelope Canyon 55k in […]

Dead Horse Training: Week 1

This past week started my official training for the Dead Horse 50 mile. It’s been a long time since I’ve worked off an actual plan and I’ve got to give myself kudos for hitting it pretty damn close. I really wanted to get eight on Sunday but I ran with my kid’s boyfriend and he […]