scale 198 pounds

The Vegan Skinny

I had to share this recent Facebook post by my boyfriend Don. I am giddy madly in love with this guy and so proud of what he has achieved. Not in terms of weight loss but rather the personal moral satisfaction he has found by adopting a vegan diet. I’m not vegan. At least not fully. […]


This is Ellie. She’s insane. Certifiably! She’s a 4(ish) year old border collie pittie mix with an energy level that is ALL border. Ellie came with my boyfriend. She was given to him by another dog trainer who “didn’t have time to give her what she needed”. Oh boy that should have been a red […]

Streak Week: 2

I’m still streaking. Haven’t missed a day yet. I have to admit there have been a few times that I had absolutely no motivation to run but I don’t like to lose so the competition side of this is keeping me in the game. I did have to modify things for a few days. I had […]

Little Red Wagon: A Long Haul Recap

This past weekend I paced and crewed my friend Sandy at a 100-mile attempt. She ran this same race, Long Haul, last year as her first hundred and I was honored to be a part of that crew as well. She’s had a couple rough race attempts lately including a DNF on a hundred a […]


On January 1st I started “streaking” with a group of friends. No not THAT kind of streaking though sometimes in the brutal Florida heat it’s tempting! A required minimum two mile run, 50 sit ups and 50 pushups every single day. Though it’s mostly a friendly competition, the deal is a night out where the […]

Altra Provisions

Mommy Needs A New Pair Of Shoes

The first few years of my running I ran in Asics. I can’t say I tried many different shoes but that’s what I somehow landed in and that’s what I stayed in. Until I found Newtons. At the time, all the talk on the street was that forefoot running was better for the body and […]


As I mentioned yesterday, I don’t do resolutions. I used to, however, do a word of the year. I’m a bit annoyed that the phenomenon actually seems to have become a thing. I tend to jump off bandwagons not on them but this year I felt compelled to pick a word regardless. 

Day 1

I do not make New Year’s resolutions. Nope. Never have. Never will. So everything I’m about to start today isn’t because it’s January 1st, it’s simply because it’s the day I finally decided to just do it. I want to start writing again. I used to write. A lot. It was pretty damn therapeutic for […]